Time-Resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

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bib:fulljrnl-old [2019/06/15 08:44]
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-@STRING{LASTEDIT = {28/FEB/2014}} 
-@STRING{ABCBP = {Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics}} 
-@STRING{ABEHAV = {Animal Behaviour}} 
-@STRING{AC = {Angewandte Chemie}} 
-@STRING{ACIEE = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition English}} 
-@STRING{ACIE = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition English}} 
-@STRING{ACA = {Analytica Chimica Acta}} 
-@STRING{ACR = {Accounts of Chemical Research}} 
-@STRING{ACRSB = {Acta Crystallographica, Section D}} 
-@STRING{ACRYST = {Acta Crystallographica}} 
-@STRING{ACRYSTD = {Acta Crystallographica, Section D}} 
-@STRING{ACRYSTF = {Acta Crystallographica, Section F}} 
-@STRING{ACS = {Acta Chemica Scandinavica}} 
-@STRING{ACSN = {ACS Nano}} 
-@STRING{ADP = {Annalen der Physik}} 
-@STRING{ADVMAT = {Advanced Materials}} 
-@STRING{ADVMR = {Advances in Magnetic Resonance}} 
-@STRING{ADVSR = {Advances in Space Research}} 
-@STRING{AEMB = {Applied and Environmental Microbiology}} 
-@STRING{AFM = {Advanced Functional Materials}} 
-@STRING{AIPCP = {AIP Conference Proceedings}} 
-@STRING{AJC = {Australian Journal of Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{AJCN = {American Journal of Clinical Nutrition}} 
-@STRING{AJP = {American Journal of Physics}} 
-@STRING{AJPR = {American Journal of Physiology --- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology}} 
-@STRING{AMR = {Applied Magnetic Resonance}} 
-@STRING{ANBC = {Analytical Biochemistry}} 
-@STRING{ANBNC = {Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{ANC = {Analytical Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{AORS = {Antioxidants \& Redox Signaling}} 
-@STRING{APC = {Advances in Protein Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{APL = {Applied Physics Letters}} 
-@STRING{APOP = {Apoptosis}} 
-@STRING{APPA = {Acta Physica Polonica A}} 
-@STRING{ARBBC = {Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{ARBBS = {Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure}} 
-@STRING{ARBC = {Annual Review of Biochemistry}} 
-@STRING{AREPS = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences}} 
-@STRING{ARCDB = {Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology}} 
-@STRING{ARG = {Annual Review of Genetics}} 
-@STRING{ARMB = {Archives of Microbiology}} 
-@STRING{ARMBIO = {Annual Review of Microbiology}} 
-@STRING{ARN = {Annual Review of Nutrition}} 
-@STRING{ARPB = {Annual Review of Plant Biology}} 
-@STRING{ARPC = {Annual Review of Physical Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{ARPHYS = {Annual Review of Physiology}} 
-@STRING{ARPPPMB = {Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology}} 
-@STRING{ASC = {Advanced Synthesis \& Catalysis}} 
-@STRING{BASUSSRCS = {Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of chemical science}} 
-@STRING{BBA = {Biochimica et Biophysica Acta}} 
-@STRING{BBPC = {Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft f\"ur Physikalische Chemie}} 
-@STRING{BBRC = {Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications}} 
-@STRING{BC = {Biochemistry}} 
-@STRING{BCH = {Biological Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{BCJ = {Biochemical Journal}} 
-@STRING{BCM = {Biochemistry Moscow}} 
-@STRING{BCSJ = {Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan}} 
-@STRING{BCST = {Biochemical Society Transactions}} 
-@STRING{BELC = {Bioelectrochemistry}} 
-@STRING{BELM = {Bioelectromagnetics}} 
-@STRING{BESB = {Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology}} 
-@STRING{BINF = {Bioinformatics}} 
-@STRING{BIOES = {BioEssays}} 
-@STRING{BIOPOL = {Biopolymers}} 
-@STRING{BJ = {Biophysical Journal}} 
-@STRING{BJOC = {Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{BM = {BioMetals}} 
-@STRING{BMCMB = {BMC Molecular Biology}} 
-@STRING{BOC = {Bioorganic Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{BOMCL = {Bioorganic \& Medicinal Chemistry Letters}} 
-@STRING{BPC = {Biophysical Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{BPHIL = {Biology and Philosophy}} 
-@STRING{BRUKNEWS = {Bruker Newsletter}} 
-@STRING{BSA = {Biophysical Society Abstracts}} 
-@STRING{BSP = {Biospectroscopy}} 
-@STRING{BSYS = {BioSystems}} 
-@STRING{BTBE = {Biotechnology and Bioengineering}} 
-@STRING{BTEC = {BioTechniques}} 
-@STRING{BUNMAG = {Bunsen-Magazin}} 
-@STRING{CANC = {Canadian Journal of Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{CANCR = {Cancer Research}} 
-@STRING{CARC = {Carcinogenesis}} 
-@STRING{CB = {Current Biology}} 
-@STRING{CBC = {ChemBioChem}} 
-@STRING{CBCBP = {Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics}} 
-@STRING{CBCPB = {Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry}} 
-@STRING{CBD = {Chemistry \& Biodiversity}} 
-@STRING{CC = {Chemical Communications}} 
-@STRING{CCR = {Coordination Chemistry Reviews}} 
-@STRING{CEJ = {Chemistry --- A European Journal}} 
-@STRING{CELL = {Cell}} 
-@STRING{CEN = {Chemical \& Engineering News}} 
-@STRING{CGEN = {Current Genetics}} 
-@STRING{CHBIO = {Chemistry \& Biology}} 
-@STRING{CHIB = {Chemistry in Britain}} 
-@STRING{CHIUZ = {Chemie in unserer Zeit}} 
-@STRING{CHR = {Chromatographia}} 
-@STRING{CIBIO = {Communicative \& Integrative Biology}} 
-@STRING{CJP = {Canadian Journal of Physics}} 
-@STRING{CMLS = {Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences}} 
-@STRING{COBT = {Current Opinion in Biotechnology}} 
-@STRING{COCB = {Current Opinion in Chemical Biology}} 
-@STRING{CONB = {Current Opinion in Neurobiology}} 
-@STRING{COND = {The Condor}} 
-@STRING{CONTPHYS = {Contemporary Physics}} 
-@STRING{COPB = {Current Opinion in Plant Biology}} 
-@STRING{COSB = {Current Opinion in Structural Biology}} 
-@STRING{CP = {Chemical Physics}} 
-@STRING{CPC = {ChemPhysChem}} 
-@STRING{CPL = {Chemical Physics Letters}} 
-@STRING{CPR = {Chemical Physics Reports}} 
-@STRING{CR = {Chemical Reviews}} 
-@STRING{CRBCMB = {Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology}} 
-@STRING{CRFSN = {Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition}} 
-@STRING{CS = {Chemical Science}} 
-@STRING{CSCI = {Current Science}} 
-@STRING{CSHSQB = {Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology}} 
-@STRING{CSHPB = {Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology}} 
-@STRING{CSR = {Chemical Society Reviews}} 
-@STRING{CTB = {Current Topics in Bioenergetics}} 
-@STRING{CTC = {Computational and Theoretical Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{CTR = {Cell and Tissue Research}} 
-@STRING{DAN = {Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR}} 
-@STRING{DB = {Developmental Biology}} 
-@STRING{DC = {Developmental Cell}} 
-@STRING{DEVEL = {Development}} 
-@STRING{DFS = {Discussions of the Faraday Society}} 
-@STRING{DNAR = {DNA Repair}} 
-@STRING{DPC = {Doklady Physical Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{DTR = {Dalton Transactions}} 
-@STRING{ECA = {Electrochimica Acta}} 
-@STRING{EJB = {European Journal of Biochemistry}} 
-@STRING{EJIC = {European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{EJN = {European Journal of Navigation}} 
-@STRING{EMBO = {EMBO Journal}} 
-@STRING{EMBOR = {EMBO Reports}} 
-@STRING{ENTSCI = {Entomological Science}} 
-@STRING{EPARA = {Experimental Parasitology}} 
-@STRING{EPJE = {European Physical Journal E}} 
-@STRING{EPH = {Electrophoresis}} 
-@STRING{ERK = {Erkenntnis}} 
-@STRING{FASEB = {FASEB Journal}} 
-@STRING{FBSCI = {Frontiers in Bioscience}} 
-@STRING{FC = {Food Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{FD = {Faraday Discussions}} 
-@STRING{FEBS = {FEBS Letters}} 
-@STRING{FEBSJ = {FEBS Journal}} 
-@STRING{FEMS = {FEMS Microbiology Letters}} 
-@STRING{FEMSMR = {FEMS Microbiology Reviews}} 
-@STRING{FFUNC = {Food \&\ Function}} 
-@STRING{FGB = {Fungal Genetics and Biology}} 
-@STRING{FPHEQ = {Fluid Phase Equilibria}} 
-@STRING{GB = {Genome Biology}} 
-@STRING{GBE = {Genome Biology and Evolution}} 
-@STRING{GC = {Genes to Cells}} 
-@STRING{GENDEV = {Genes \&\ Development}} 
-@STRING{GENE = {Gene}} 
-@STRING{GENET = {Genetics}} 
-@STRING{GENOM = {Genomics}} 
-@STRING{GENRES = {Genome Research}} 
-@STRING{HCA = {Helvetica Chimica Acta}} 
-@STRING{HFSPJ = {HFSP Journal}} 
-@STRING{HH = {Histology and Histopathology}} 
-@STRING{IBMB = {Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology}} 
-@STRING{ICA = {Inorganica Chimica Acta}} 
-@STRING{IECR = {Industrial \& Engineering Chemistry Research}} 
-@STRING{ICBIO = {Integrative \& Comparative Biology}} 
-@STRING{IEEEJSTQE = {IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics}} 
-@STRING{IEEETM = {IEEE Transactions on Magnetics}} 
-@STRING{IF = {Interface Focus}} 
-@STRING{IJBCB = {International Journal of Biochemistry \& Cell Biology}} 
-@STRING{IJC = {Israel Journal of Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{IJCLIM = {International Journal of Climatology}} 
-@STRING{IJDB = {International Journal of Developmental Biology}} 
-@STRING{IJHE = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy}} 
-@STRING{IJMS = {International Journal of Molecular Science}} 
-@STRING{IJPR = {International Journal for Philosophy of Religion}} 
-@STRING{IJQC = {International Journal of Quantum Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{IJRB = {International Journal of Radiation Biology}} 
-@STRING{IJZOOL = {Italian Journal of Zoology}} 
-@STRING{IMM = {Immunological Methods}} 
-@STRING{INC = {Inorganic Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{IOVS = {Investigative Ophthalmology \& Visual Science}} 
-@STRING{JAAD = {Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology}} 
-@STRING{JACR = {Journal of Applied Crystallography}} 
-@STRING{JACS = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}} 
-@STRING{JAFC = {Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{JAP = {Journal of Applied Physics}} 
-@STRING{JBAC = {Journal of Bacteriology}} 
-@STRING{JBC = {Journal of Biological Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{JBCBPM = {Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods}} 
-@STRING{JBCH = {Journal of Biochemistry}} 
-@STRING{JBE = {Journal of Bioenergetics}} 
-@STRING{JBEBM = {Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes}} 
-@STRING{JBIC = {Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{JBMA = {Journal of Biomaterials Applications}} 
-@STRING{JBMS = {Journal of Biomedical Science}} 
-@STRING{JBNMR = {Journal of Biomolecular NMR}} 
-@STRING{JBP = {Journal of Biological Physics}} 
-@STRING{JBR = {Journal of Biological Rhythms}} 
-@STRING{JBTECH = {Journal of Biotechnology}} 
-@STRING{JCAMD = {Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design}} 
-@STRING{JCCS = {Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society}} 
-@STRING{JCE = {Journal of Chemical Education}} 
-@STRING{JCED = {Journal of Chemical \& Engineering Data}} 
-@STRING{JCICS = {Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences}} 
-@STRING{JCIM = {Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling}} 
-@STRING{JCOMPP = {Journal of Computational Physics}} 
-@STRING{JCOPHA = {Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Senory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology}} 
-@STRING{JCOPHB = {Journal of Comparative Physiology B}} 
-@STRING{JCP = {Journal of Chemical Physics}} 
-@STRING{JCSCC = {Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications}} 
-@STRING{JCSCI = {Journal of Cell Science}} 
-@STRING{JCSDT = {Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions}} 
-@STRING{JCSFT = {Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions}} 
-@STRING{JCSFT1 = {Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1}} 
-@STRING{JCSFT2 = {Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2}} 
-@STRING{JCSPT2 = {Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2}} 
-@STRING{JCTC = {Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation}} 
-@STRING{JEB = {Journal of Experimental Botany}} 
-@STRING{JEBIOL = {Journal of Experimental Biology}} 
-@STRING{JEM = {Journal of Experimental Medicine}} 
-@STRING{JEN = {Journal of Endocrinology}} 
-@STRING{JGP = {Journal of General Physiology}} 
-@STRING{JGV = {Journal of General Virology}} 
-@STRING{JHMAT = {Journal of Hazardous Materials}} 
-@STRING{JIBC = {Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry}} 
-@STRING{JID = {Journal of Investigative Dermatology}} 
-@STRING{JMATRES = {Journal of Materials Research}} 
-@STRING{JMB = {Journal of Molecular Biology}} 
-@STRING{JMC = {Journal of Materials Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{JME = {Journal of Molecular Evolution}} 
-@STRING{JMG = {Journal of Molecular Graphics}} 
-@STRING{JMMBB = {Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology}} 
-@STRING{JMMOD = {Journal of Molecular Modeling}} 
-@STRING{JMP = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}} 
-@STRING{JMR = {Journal of Magnetic Resonance}} 
-@STRING{JMRA = {Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A}} 
-@STRING{JMREC = {Journal of Molecular Recognition}} 
-@STRING{JMS = {Journal of Molecular Structure}} 
-@STRING{JMSPEC = {Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy}} 
-@STRING{JMSTC = {Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM}} 
-@STRING{JMSTHC = {Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem)}} 
-@STRING{JNPHYS = {Journal of Neurophysiology}} 
-@STRING{JNA = {Journal of Nucleic Acids}} 
-@STRING{JNC = {Journal of Neurochemistry}} 
-@STRING{JNB = {Journal of Neurobiology}} 
-@STRING{JNS = {The Journal of Neuroscience}} 
-@STRING{JNUT = {Journal of Nutrition}} 
-@STRING{JOC = {Journal of Organic Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{JORN = {Journal of Ornithology}} 
-@STRING{JPC = {Journal of Physical Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{JPCA = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A}} 
-@STRING{JPCB = {Journal of Physical Chemistry B}} 
-@STRING{JPCC = {Journal of Physical Chemistry C}} 
-@STRING{JPCL = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}} 
-@STRING{JPCM = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter}} 
-@STRING{JPCPBA = {Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{JPCPBB = {Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology}} 
-@STRING{JPCPBC = {Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews}} 
-@STRING{JPCS = {Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids}} 
-@STRING{JPHD = {Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}} 
-@STRING{JPHP = {Journal of Physiology-Paris}} 
-@STRING{JPLPH = {Journal of Plant Physiology}} 
-@STRING{JPP = {Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines}} 
-@STRING{JPOLYSCI = {Journal of Polymer Science}} 
-@STRING{JPR = {Journal of Plant Research}} 
-@STRING{JPSJ = {Journal of the Physical Society of Japan}} 
-@STRING{JPSJS = {Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Supplement}} 
-@STRING{JPSRC = {Journal of Power Sources}} 
-@STRING{JRP = {Journal of Radiological Protection}} 
-@STRING{JRR = {Journal of Radiation Research}} 
-@STRING{JRS = {Journal of Raman Spectroscopy}} 
-@STRING{JRSIF = {Journal of the Royal Society Interface}} 
-@STRING{JSFA = {Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture}} 
-@STRING{JSS = {Journal of Statistical Software}} 
-@STRING{JSYNR = {Journal of Synchrotron Radiation}} 
-@STRING{JTB = {Journal of Theoretical Biology}} 
-@STRING{JVIR = {Journal of Virology}} 
-@STRING{LPHYS = {Laser Physics}} 
-@STRING{LANC = {The Lancet}} 
-@STRING{MATEXP = {Materials Express}} 
-@STRING{MBC = {Molecular Biology of the Cell}} 
-@STRING{MBE = {Molecular Biology and Evolution}} 
-@STRING{MBIO = {mBio}} 
-@STRING{MCB = {Molecular and Cellular Biology}} 
-@STRING{MCELL = {Molecular Cell}} 
-@STRING{MCLC = {Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}} 
-@STRING{MENZ = {Methods in Enzymology}} 
-@STRING{METH = {Methods}} 
-@STRING{METHMB = {Methods in Molecular Biology}} 
-@STRING{MGG = {Molecular Genetics and Genomics}} 
-@STRING{MGGEN = {Molecular \& General Genetics}} 
-@STRING{MH = {Medical hypotheses}} 
-@STRING{ML = {Machine Learning}} 
-@STRING{MM = {Macromolecules}} 
-@STRING{MMB = {Molecular Microbiology}} 
-@STRING{MMBR = {Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews}} 
-@STRING{MMRC = {Macromolecular Rapid Communications}} 
-@STRING{MOLENT = {Molecular Entomology}} 
-@STRING{MP = {Molecular Physics}} 
-@STRING{MPLANT = {Molecular Plant}} 
-@STRING{MRC = {Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{MRR = {Magnetic Resonance Review}} 
-@STRING{MSB = {Molecular Systems Biology}} 
-@STRING{MSER = {Materials Science and Engineering R}} 
-@STRING{MST = {Measurement Science and Technology}} 
-@STRING{MUTR = {Mutation Research}} 
-@STRING{N = {Nature}} 
-@STRING{NAR = {Nucleic Acids Research}} 
-@STRING{NBT = {New Biotechnology}} 
-@STRING{NBTECH = {Nature Biotechnology}} 
-@STRING{NCB = {Nature Chemical Biology}} 
-@STRING{NCHEM = {Nature Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{NCOMM = {Nature Communications}} 
-@STRING{NEJM = {New England Journal of Medicine}} 
-@STRING{NEUR = {Neuron}} 
-@STRING{NGEN = {Nature Genetics}} 
-@STRING{NIMB = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research --- Beam Interactions with Materials \& Atoms}} 
-@STRING{NJP = {New Journal of Physics}} 
-@STRING{NL = {Nano Letters}} 
-@STRING{NMAT = {Nature Materials}} 
-@STRING{NMETH = {Nature Methods}} 
-@STRING{NNANO = {Nature Nanotechology}} 
-@STRING{NNS = {Nature Neuroscience}} 
-@STRING{NPR = {Natural Products Reports}} 
-@STRING{NPHOT = {Nature Photonics}} 
-@STRING{NPHYS = {Nature Physics}} 
-@STRING{NRG = {Nature Reviews Genetics}} 
-@STRING{NRMB = {Nature Reviews Microbiology}} 
-@STRING{NSB = {Nature Structural Biology}} 
-@STRING{NWISS = {Naturwissenschaften}} 
-@STRING{OBC = {Organic \& Biomolecular Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{OL = {Organic Letters}} 
-@STRING{ONC = {Oncogene}} 
-@STRING{OPTC = {Optics Communications}} 
-@STRING{PAC = {Pure \& Applied Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{PBL = {Physikalische Bl{\"a}tter}} 
-@STRING{PBPMB = {Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology}} 
-@STRING{PC = {Plant Cell}} 
-@STRING{PCCP = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}} 
-@STRING{PCE = {Plant, Cell \& Environment}} 
-@STRING{PCHEM = {Procedia Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{PCP = {Plant \& Cell Physiology}} 
-@STRING{PCPB = {Photochemistry and Photobiology}} 
-@STRING{PCREP = {Plant Cell Reports}} 
-@STRING{PEDS = {Protein Engineering, Design \& Selection}} 
-@STRING{PHRES = {Photosynthesis Research}} 
-@STRING{PHYB = {Physica B}} 
-@STRING{PIEEE = {Proceedings of the IEEE}} 
-@STRING{PL = {Physics Letters}} 
-@STRING{PLA = {Physics Letters A}} 
-@STRING{PLJ = {The Plant Journal}} 
-@STRING{PLMB = {Plant Molecular Biology}} 
-@STRING{PONE = {PLoS One}} 
-@STRING{PLOSBIOL = {PLoS Biology}} 
-@STRING{PLOSGENET = {PLoS Genetics}} 
-@STRING{PLPH = {Plant Physiology}} 
-@STRING{PLSCI = {Plant Science}} 
-@STRING{PLTA = {Planta}} 
-@STRING{PNAS = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA}} 
-@STRING{PNMRS = {Progress in NMR Spectroscopy}} 
-@STRING{POS = {Philosophy of Science}} 
-@STRING{PP = {Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics}} 
-@STRING{PPBC = {Plant Physiology and Biochemistry}} 
-@STRING{PPLANT = {Physiologia Plantarum}} 
-@STRING{PPP = {Photodermatology Photoimmunology \& Photomedicine}} 
-@STRING{PPS = {Photochemical \& Photobiological Sciences}} 
-@STRING{PPV = {Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications}} 
-@STRING{PR = {Physical Review}} 
-@STRING{PRA = {Physical Review A}} 
-@STRING{PRB = {Physical Review B}} 
-@STRING{PRE = {Physical Review E}} 
-@STRING{PREP = {Physics Reports}} 
-@STRING{PRKIN = {Progress in Reaction Kinetics}} 
-@STRING{PRL = {Physical Review Letters}} 
-@STRING{PRSA = {Proceedings of the Royal Society A --- Mathematical and Physical Sciences}} 
-@STRING{PRSB = {Proceedings of the Royal Society B --- Biological Sciences}} 
-@STRING{PRSC = {Protein Science}} 
-@STRING{PRSL = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London}} 
-@STRING{PSB = {Plant Signaling \&\ Behavior}}, 
-@STRING{PSFB = {Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics}}, 
-@STRING{PT = {Physics Today}} 
-@STRING{PTRS = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society}} 
-@STRING{PTRSA = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A --- Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences}} 
-@STRING{PTRSB = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B --- Biological Sciences}} 
-@STRING{QRB = {Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics}} 
-@STRING{QRBIO = {Quarterly Reviews of Biology}} 
-@STRING{RCI = {Research of Chemical Intermediates}} 
-@STRING{RCR = {Russian Chemical Reviews}} 
-@STRING{RME = {Radiation Measurements}} 
-@STRING{RPC = {Radiation Physics and Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{RPP = {Reports on Progress in Physics}} 
-@STRING{RPR = {Review of Policy Research}} 
-@STRING{RRES = {Radiation Research}} 
-@STRING{RSI = {Reviews of Scientific Instruments}} 
-@STRING{SAA = {Spectrochimica Acta Part A}} 
-@STRING{SC = {Solar Cells}} 
-@STRING{SCDB = {Seminars in Cell \& Developmental Biology}} 
-@STRING{SCI = {Science}} 
-@STRING{SCISIG = {Science Signaling}} 
-@STRING{SEMSC = {Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells}} 
-@STRING{SMET = {Synthetic Metals}} 
-@STRING{SPEC = {Spectroscopy}} 
-@STRING{SREP = {Scientific Reports}} 
-@STRING{SSNMR = {Solid State Nulear Magnetic Resonance}} 
-@STRING{STR = {Structure}} 
-@STRING{TCA = {Theoretica Chimica Acta}} 
-@STRING{TCACC = {Theoretical Chemistry Accounts}} 
-@STRING{TFS = {Transactions of the Faraday Society}} 
-@STRING{THD = {Tetrahedron}} 
-@STRING{THDL = {Tetrahedron Letters}} 
-@STRING{TIBS = {Trends in Biochemical Sciences}} 
-@STRING{TICB = {Trends in Cell Biology}} 
-@STRING{TICC = {Topics in Current Chemistry}} 
-@STRING{TINS = {Trends in Neurosciences}} 
-@STRING{TIPS = {Trends in Plant Science}} 
-@STRING{TOX = {Toxicology}} 
-@STRING{VIR = {Virology}} 
-@STRING{VIBSPE = {Vibrational Spectroscopy}} 
-@STRING{ZACH = {Fresenius Zeitschrift f\"ur Analytische Chemie}} 
-@STRING{ZN = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Naturforschung}} 
-@STRING{ZNA = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Naturforschung --- Section A, a journal of physical sciences}} 
-@STRING{ZPC = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Physikalische Chemie}} 
-@STRING{ZPCIJRPCCP = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Physikalische Chemie --- International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry \& Chemical Physics}} 
-@STRING{ZPH = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Physik}} 
bib/fulljrnl-old.1560581049.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/15 08:44 by till